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Laura Kornelija Inamedinova

CEO at LKI Consulting

Laura K. Inamedinova is an international keynote speaker and an Award-winning CEO of LKI Consulting, a London-based 7-digit Web3 Marketing & Design Agency.

As an unmatched Founder and CEO, she was listed as one of the “10 Women Entrepreneurs” by Entrepreneur Magazine and among “Top 10 Women in International Business” by Silicon Valley Times.

A true XXII century leader in Web3, Laura is a voice of 129+ conferences in 17+ countries worldwide. She’s a globally recognized blockchain industry expert, a graduate physicist, and a former columnist of Forbes and Huffington Post.

Voted “Best Web3 Marketing” by Entrepreneur in 2023, Laura leads her team at LKI Consulting with passion and shares her 8+ years in Web3 with audiences around the world. She constantly challenges what “best” means in Web3 and invites her audiences to join in changing this emerging space.

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