Countdown to the Event


Become an Official Media Partner

Amplify the news on the biggest blockchain festival in Europe!

Get your brand listed as an Official Media Partner of one of the biggest web3 events in Europe in 2022 (5.000 attendees, 100+ sponsors and 80+ speakers) that will happen in Berlin, 23-24 November.

Why Should You Join?

Next Block Expo is an important spot on web3 industry events map. Get your readers & followers familiar with the happening they should not miss.
Brand Visibility

Media Branding on the event website & social channels.

Good Content

Interesting individuals for interviews and tons of valuable content to publish.

Free Ticket

Special Media Ticket for the event included in media partnership.

Media Arena

Access to a dedicated Media Arena supported by the organizers.


Additional possibility to monetize traffic generated by the publications.

The Next Level of Web3 Events